一、Gilead had stockpiled the drug, as well as the materials used to make it, for use against Ebola. The company is now using that stockpile for the trials in China and for individual patients like the one in Washington State, whose doctors sought special permission from the Food and Drug Administration for “compassionate use” so that they could give him an unapproved drug.
The company plans to speed production and is looking for “manufacturing partners in multiple geographies,” Mr. McKeel said, adding that Gilead was going ahead with these preparations without knowing yet whether the drug works against the new coronavirus.
In the meantime, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has applied for a patent in China to use remdesivir to treat the coronavirus, according to a statement on the institute’s website.
Gilead already has patents for the drug in China and other parts of the world, and in 2016 filed additional patent applications to use it against coronaviruses. But the company’s application for coronavirus use is still pending, Mr. McKeel said.
“Gilead has no influence over whether a patent office issues a patent to the Chinese researchers,” he added.In its statement, the virology institute said it would not exercise its patent rights “if relevant foreign companies intend to contribute to the prevention and control of China’s epidemic.”
吉利德科学 称,如果临床成功,将通过制造供应链向新冠肺炎患者提供瑞德西韦。
目前看来我国做出的让步,通过关闭仿制药渠道保证吉利德的渠道唯一性,但是谈判我们手里还是得有筹码, 于是同时叫停了国内的原料药供应,所以也就出现了
永太科技 供应合同被强制下架,由于美国原料药及中间体供应链全靠印度和中国,而印度这几天其实原 料药库存已经告急了,于是乎前几天美国官员才会吐槽原料药供应太依赖我国,如果我国供应不上药品根本就不够。现在看吉利德发出这个公告,估计是谈妥了,吉利德授权供应商直接供成品药,首先我们想要多少就有多少,毕竟我们直接生产,其次我们拥有绝对的议价能力,也不会被漫天要价。
综上所述,重点是临床试验是否成功。在临床试验结果没有正式公布之前,国家层面不会提前定性发声避免被动,大资金在不确定的情况下也不会贸然参与,因为资金体量基数足够大后,赌预期需要在时间成本承受之内。所以目前瑞德西韦相关概念股,可能会震荡洗盘。中线资金可以潜伏进去,毕竟是赌 一个全球预期,而且时间是越来越近。静待临床试验结果公布之日,如果预期效果很好,后期股价突破新高不是没有可能。